Saturday, September 24, 2016

Rad Women Worldwide

This is precisely the kind of book I want to read to my future children - boys or girls. Forty succinct bios  of women who fought for a cause. I actually didn't know very many of the women featured, but I'm glad I do now. The illustrations in this book are wonderful, and the writing is accessible  to most age groups. Overall, a very inspiring book!

Disclaimer: I received this book for free in exchange for a review via

Friday, September 2, 2016

In a Different Key by John Donovan

A Rational and Unbiased History  of Autism

This book is huge, both in breadth and depth...a textbook for Autism History 101.  This doorstop of a book is worth the time investment if you have any interest in or connection to Autism. Everything, from the controversial to the cutting edge, is reviewed from a very rational, stepped back viewpoint. 

**More to come on this review after I process a bit :)